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After thoroughly covering the spongy orbs, Boyd used his thumb pads to circle her nipples. The nubs grew tall and prominent atop her mounds. He plucke... at them and Fidelia released a low moan behind closed eyes. Boyd left off the chore before he lost his own composure. Fabianna retrieved her own favorite: apricot. She helped Boyd stand up beside her and raised her hair, inviting Boyd to spread the balm all over her thong-only clad body. He worked the salve into her supple tanned skin. He spent. Tentatively, I stuck my tongue out and licked a drop ofpre-cum off the head. It tasted pretty good. I began tolick around the shaft. Soon I engulfed Brian’s dick in mymouth.I admit I wasn’t a good cocksucker, but Brian prompted myon, telling me what to do. I was rewarded with a mouthfulof his delicious semen, which I barely could contain inmy mouth. I swallowed as much as I could, knowing thatthis will not be the last dick I would suck. Brian thenkissed me tasting his cum on my. We went out one night & she was wearing "Jellies" & when we got back to her home... Well let's just say I got drunk that night. But not on booze! Pussy juices & peach ice cream! YUM!)Anyway, where was I? Oh, that's right... Our first night... I told her to lie on her back & spread her legs, wide! When she did I proceeded to get my first taste of a female's sex. YUM!! I couldn't get enough! I licked her from her toes, up the inside of her ankle, up her calf, her thigh, skipping her lovely honey. "I slumped in defeat, looking into the black liquid in front of me."Tell you what," she suddenly interrupt, "if you'll accept my terms, I'll tell you how to go there".I looked up at her face, not sure if she was playing with me. "But you just told me that you can't help!" I can't help you see her, but I can help you reach Purgatory," she clarified as she called for a decaf."You have no idea where it is, don't you?" she asked as she made a predatorial grin.I was slightly annoyed with her words,.
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Clipeage Com porn videos