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But if you looked deeper, if you gauged genuine admiration by the look in others' eyes, then Penny beat Janet hands down. And, no matter how hard she ...ried, Janet was unable to rise in their estimation on that level. She could flirt with boys, wow them with sexual nuance, even submit and deliver their greatest, hottest sex fantasies; still she could not earn their respect the way Penny had.Janet knew she could not climb that high, but should could still bring Penny down to a lower level, lower. A quick peck on my cheek and she was off. Smiling I turn and walk to the door reaching for my keys I realized I was hard as a rock and could feel my khakis were wet looking down I had a rather large tell tale wet spot near my cock head Chuckling I reached for the door and it opened inward a man was standing in the doorway staring at my crotch and the giant wet spot “FUCK OH DEAR” I heard myself say was I at the wrong Address shit..... Roger he says extending his hand like a proper lady would. With that he navigated the truck out of my driveway and onto the narrow residential street. "Let's see an eighteen wheeler do that," he said."I will definitely give you that one," I agreed. He negotiated the small streets easily but he didn't have a large heavy trailer attached to the truck either. However I did not challenge him. I was in the truck passenger's seat to break my routine, cure my cabin fever, and learn something about his business. I didn't have any real interest, but anything I. He leant over me and kissed my lips, saying he would fuck my ass later.Then I purred like a cat on the bed, lying on my back and spreading my legs wide for those three black guys staring at me…The first one approaching was Rufus, a huge guy well endowed. He stripped and showed me his ten incher black dick. I did not say anything; just touched my pussy lips, anticipating the pleasure that his huge thing would give me.Rufus crawled over my body and soon I felt his hard rod entering my cunt to the.
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