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Kiss. Anees innocently reached out to Shantanu to plant a kiss. Shantanu stooped him, and told: “Stupid! Not me, kiss Sarda”.Taken aback by Shanta...u’s words, Anees remained speechless and motionless for a few moments; He looked to be at a fix; he was agape. Sensing his confusion and inhibition, Shantanu came to his rescue, and he made him sit next to, or almost facing, Sarda on the divan, and then placed Anees’s one hand straightway on Sarda’s elated breasts. This direct intimate touch sent a. She didn’t run away screaming. She stared into his eyes, letting him know how desperately she wanted him. He stared back, looking at her incredibly beautiful face and into her beautiful brown eyes and into her soul. They stared like that for at least ten minutes. It wasn’t a contest. They needed to study each other’s soul to know what to do. The only answer was a warm hug. He kissed her high forehead, relishing the smooth pale skin there. She kissed his and relished the more rough skin he had.. ."Ellie feebly mumbled."Oh- don't not go just 'cause of us," Lindsay said."Absolutely," Janet said. "We'll be fine, really." ...Why don't you two come as well?" Sharon said, bringing a look ofconfusion to the Coles' face."Wh- really?" Janet asked."The more the merrier," Sharon said, though Janet could instinctivelytell that her smile was forced, and the offer was only extended as itwould help make Ellie feel more comfortable, rather than a genuinedesire to have her and her daughter celebrate. John thought it was an interesting sensation. Not a particularly big turn-on, but pleasant. Sue tried to reach further.“Scoot up a bit. Oh! Too much weight on the belly. Come on down over here. Scoot up a little bit. Hey, this works better for jacking you.”“Yeah.”“When you cum, just make sure you don’t get it on the sheets.”“Okay.”Sue had started tracing her fingertips down again when John said, “I have a question.”“What?”“When I cum on you, does it do anything for you?”“Porn question?”“In.
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